At the moment, I am struggling with the concept with being happy with what you have in the present, yet still yearning for bigger things in the future.
Buddha said "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
But what about determination, goals or aspirations? Should we just ignore these? If I cease to think about what might happen in the future, will I lose my drive to succeed? What does it mean to succeed?
Reading quotes like the one above makes me, personally, feel selfish for wanting more from my life. I am very candid about my goals, and simply will not rest until I achieve them. However, thinking back to when I was a young(er) musician, my goals were to have enough earning potential from drums that I didn't have to get a 'proper' job and get into music college. Well, here I am in the final year of my music degree with just about enough potential work in the pipeline to keep me in the black.
Am I content?... Of course not! And here is where I begin to feel selfish. I have so much to be grateful for, yet I still yearn for bigger gigs, in front of more people, for more money. How can I possibly justify this?
Quite honestly, I don't know and I don't think anyone really knows. Now, if I was to relax and look down upon myself and impart advice (what a weird concept) I would recommend that I:
- Be grateful for everything I have and have done. In hindsight have an understanding of why I have had my past experiences and what I have learned from them.
- Take every opportunity with grace and humility, don't feel selfish.
- Don't have 'ultimate goals'. Understand that they are experiences I would like to enjoy at some point, but relax and take life as it comes.
"Answers only make more questions..."
Too true.