Thursday, 18 November 2010

Mini Aubergines

Whilst on tour with Hassan, we were talking about fruit in the bus, nothing unusual, just normal sized fruit. Also, it should be mentioned that the fruit we were talking about wasn't actually in the bus with us as could be misconstrued from my previous sentence, just fruit in general. I can't remember exactly what we were saying about the fruit, but whatever it was i'm sure was conversation worthy (as all tour bus conversations are... ).

Anyway, I suddenly remembered that while on a shopping trip a short time before I had seen what I thought were mini aubergines. To my amazement they were exactly the same as normal aubergines, but much smaller! I would guestimate around five times smaller.

At this point I was laughed at, severely ridiculed and much verbal abuse was thrown at me (this may be slightly exaggerated). I was even accused of confusing them with small purple grapes.

Now is time for my comeback... Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you in their full dark purple glory... Mini Aubergines!


In their box for selling.


Compared to a normal aubergine.

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